In thinking about what my first blog should be, it occurred to me that I should address a question, variations of which I've been getting in almost every podcast interview I've had over the last few months: "What projects will you be working on in the next year?"
Here we go...and of course, don't hold me to this, please, as other projects/issues can crop up which end up higher priority in the moment.
Watch for Part two of my 2025 plans in the next few days.
My book, MIND OVER MATTER, has been out of print again for a couple of years since Llewellyn let it go. As I have the rights back, I'd hoped to get it back out there in 2024 but never got the chance. Look for it on Amazon.com again sometime in the first quarter, both in paperback and ebook formats.
I'll also be working on two new ones for 2025, which I will be self-publishing (otherwise, between finding a publisher and getting it on their schedule, they probably wouldn't see the light of day until at least 2026 or even after).
First off is PRESENTING THE PARANORMAL TO THE PUBLIC. Ever feel like people around you look at you funny when talking about psychic/paranormal phenomena and topics? Do you want to sound credible when doing so? Do you ever speak to groups but feel you can upgrade your public speaking skills? Are you a good media interview subject? What about writing and promoting?
This book will be an extension of an online course with the same title I teach in the summer for the Rhine Education Center , a practical skills approach to talking/writing about psychic/paranormal topics and parapsychology. It's based on my extensive experience as an educator and communicator on the topic of parapsychology/the paranormal. I'm hoping to get it out no later than June of 2025.
Later in 2025, I plan to have ready a second volume of A PARANORMAL CASEBOOK (have not yet decided on the subtitle). More cases and commentary!
I mainly teach many online courses through the Rhine Education Center, part of the Rhine Research Center, though each winter I also teach a graduate-level course for Atlantic University called "Principles of Parapsychology."
The Rhine courses have live virtual lectures & discussion 8-10 PM Eastern / 5-7 PM Pacific. These are recorded so that students who can't make the live sessions can watch them. There are online discussion forums and lots of supporting material (mostly documents, some video, some audio).
The courses may be take for a grade and credit towards one of the several Certificate Programs offered by the Rhine -- or just take them for personal enrichment (and some fun)!
Coming up the first quarter of 2025 from the Rhine (starting the first week of February):
A Skeptical Approach to Parapsychology -Mondays, February 2 - March 24, 2025. Co-taught by Loyd Auerbach & Kenny Biddle. Parapsychology has been criticized since the first attempt to critically examine psi phenomena. From examinations of early spiritualists to the introduction of current psi challenges, skeptics have played an active role in the progress of psi. This course will discuss parapsychology from a skeptical perspective including an evaluation of how skeptics have helped and hindered the progress of the science.
Field Investigations: Hauntings, Apparitions, & Poltergeists -Tuesdays, February 4 - March 25, 2025. Loyd Auerbach, Instructor. The Field Investigations course is designed as an overview to introduce students to the methodologies of parapsychologists specifically with regard to the spontaneous occurrence of psychic experiences as they occur outside laboratory settings, with a main focus on cases of reported Apparitions, Hauntings and Poltergeists. Attendees will gain an understanding of the very basic skills and needed for investigation of ghosts, poltergeists, haunted places and related psychic experiences.
Paranormal Phenomena: EVP, ITC, & other Technologies -Wednesdays, March 5-26/2025. Loyd Auerbach, Instructor. This 4-week course will focus on the technology used to examine paranormal phenomena. We will explore Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP), Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC), and other technology that is often used in the investigation of paranormal phenomena.
These and courses offered by other instructors will be posted shortly after the New Year on the Rhine Education Center website. Do note that members of the Rhine Research Center receive a discount on the courses.
I've been doing a (nearly) every other Sunday live Q&A on YouTube for almost a year and a half (and a Facebook Live session before that). I plan to continue this throughout 2025.
The first 2025 session of Ask Professor Paranormal is happening this coming Sunday, January 5, from 8:30-9:30 PM Eastern / 5:30-6:30 PM Pacific. Past episodes have been recorded and are available under the LIve tab on the channel.
I plan to host these every other Sunday (so the next one is January 19, then February 2) through May, after which I will shift a week due to travel plans for June and July. We'll have the upcoming dates showing on the channel in the next week (again, under the Live tab).
One last thing: if there's a question you have about parapsychology, psychic/paranormal phenomena and experiences, psychics and mediums, investigations, paranormal TV, or anything related and cannot make it to the live, feel free to email me at askprofparanormal@gmail.com prior to a show and I'll address it.