Loyd Auerbach
Loyd Auerbach

World-recognized paranormal authority and parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach, MS., has 45+ years of experience investigating the paranormal and over 40 years teaching courses in Parapsychology. With thousands of media appearances, he is Director of the Office of Paranormal Investigations, President of the Forever Family Foundation, an Adjunct Professor at Atlantic University, and President of the Board of Directors of the Rhine Research Center where he teaches online Parapsychology courses through the Rhine Education Center. He’s the author/co-author of 9 books on the paranormal for the general public including the 2nd edition of A Paranormal Casebook, as well as ESP Wars: East & West, Psychic Dreaming, and the classic ESP, Hauntings and Poltergeists: A Parapsychologist’s Handbook. He is co-author of the paranormal mystery novels Near Death: A Raney/Daye Investigation and After Life, the second in the series. He is a professional mentalist and Past President of the Psychic Entertainers Association performing as Professor Paranormal, and also occasionally does his thing as a professional chocolatier. Currently, you can see him in episodes of The UnXplained running on a few streaming platforms, Surviving Death on Netflix, and a number of other shows still streaming on various platforms. Visit his podcast channel at www.YouTube.com/@askprofessorparanormal and his media page at www.YouTube.com/@loydauerbach 


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A Paranormal Casebook: Cases from a Parapsychologist’s First 25 (or so) Years

This is a revised 2nd edition with up-to-date resources. The previous subtitle was: Ghost Hunting in the New Millennium

In cases when mysterious phenomena such as apparitions, hauntings, and poltergeists jar the way we think about the material world, the experts in paranormal research both outside and inside the lab can provide explanations based...

After Life

A Raney/Daye Investigation
Book #2 from the series: Raney/Daye Investigation

After Life is the second book in the Raney/Daye Investigation series, following a skeptical retired police detective, Nate
Raney, who denies his near-death experience and an anthropology professor, Dr. Jennifer Daye, who moonlights as
a parapsychologist. They team up to apply their expertise to cases with a paranormal twist.

In After Life, Nate and...

Near Death

A Raney/Daye Investigation
Book #1 from the series: Raney/Daye Investigation

Winner of the Bronze Medal for Supernatural Fiction in the 2021 Reader’s Favorite Book Awards. NEAR DEATH introduces parapsychologist Dr. Jennifer Daye and police detective Nate Raney in a ghostly mystery.When Nate is shot during a high-stakes robbery, he awakens from the ordeal during which he was clinically dead with the information he needs...

Latest Updates

Visit the Rhine Education Center for more information and to register for these great online courses! These online courses may be taken for credit towards a certificate (the...

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December 26, 2024

Welcome to the new Loyd Auerbach (a.k.a. Professor Paranormal) website!
It's been a while since I've had a website of my own but here we are.

On this site, I'll...

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Kicking off 2025...and the new Blog - Part Two As I mentioned in my last

As I mentioned in my last blog (which was the first blog -- confusin' ain't it?), I do have other plans for this year.

What might be coming in this blog...

I've not really had a blog for a few years but felt like it was time. So 2025 -- and this blog -- is it. I'm not committing (yet) to posting on a regular basis, but rather as interesting new developments in Parapsychology and Consciousness Research come to my attention.

I'll also likely be a bit more "regular" by writing a blog based on an...

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Kicking off 2025...and the new Blog - Part One HAPPY NEW YEAR!In thinking


In thinking about what my first blog should be, it occurred to me that I should address a question, variations of which I've been getting in almost every podcast interview I've had over the last few months: "What projects will you be working on in the next year?"

Here we go...and of course, don't hold me to this, please, as other projects/issues can crop up which end up higher priority in the moment.

Watch for Part two of my 2025 plans in the next few days.


My book, MIND...

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Thanks for visiting my author website. 

If you'd like to keep updated on my writing, media appearances, podcast, classes, and other happenings, let me know!

You can also ask questions about parapsychology/paranormal topics.

Loyd Auerbach